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ALL BAND : 8N1EME finished operation
Posted by big-dish on 2007/4/1 17:12:59 (3117 reads)

To all:

8N1EME finished all of the operation March 31 2007.

This is the tentative data but 323 EME QSOs were recorded
and approximately 10,000 non-EME QSOs were made during
the activities from February to March.

Many amateurs were involved in this operation to persuit
the moon-bounce signals each band. Specially on 5760,
a 1-meter dish was enough to receive 9N1EME's CW signals.

QSL cards to someone who had QSOwill be issued in a few
months, and SWLs, tool. Send us your detailed reports!

For more details, visit our site:

144 MHz: 154 QSOs, CW=11 SSB=1 JT65=142

JA=24 OH=3 F=8 PA=12 DL/DK=22 GM=2
G=2 I=6 VK=7 AS RUSSIA =11 W=13
EuRUSSIA=14 CT=1 EI=1 OE=1 OK=2
GW=1 SP=1 ON=2 EA=6 SV=3 SM=3
ES=1 ZL=1 OZ=1 S5=2 YO=1 HB9=1
YU=1 VE=1

432 MHz: 67 QSOs, CW=34 SSB=2 JT65=31

JA=16 VK=3 PA=2 OK=3 G=2 OH=4
S5=2 EuRUSSIA =5 DL/DK=8
SM=5 EA=3 HB9=2 F=3 ZL=1 OZ=1
W=2 SP=1 UT=1 FR5=1 ZS=1 KL=1

1296 MHz: 71 QSOs, CW=50 SSB=21

JA=14 VK=3 KL=1 ES=3 F=4 OZ=1 PA=2
SM=3 OK=3 HB9=2 ON=3 DL/DK=10 LA=3
LX=1 UR=1 W=11 VE=1 I=3 G=2

5760 MHz: 31 QSOs, CW =23 SSB=6 SSB/CW X-MODE=2

JA=9 W=4 EuRUSSIA=2 VK=1 ES=1 VE=1 HB9=1
F=2 I=1 LX=1 OE=2 DL/DK=3 OK=2 GM=1

ALL TOTAL 323 EME-QSOs including dupes

8N1EME/Project BIG-DISH 2007

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