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Posted by big-dish on 2007/7/15 11:00:50 (3212 reads)

UPDATE Sun, 15 Jul 2007

Posted by big-dish on 2007/4/1 17:12:59 (3036 reads)

To all:

8N1EME finished all of the operation March 31 2007.

This is the tentative data but 323 EME QSOs were recorded
and approximately 10,000 non-EME QSOs were made during
the activities from February to March.

Many amateurs were involved in this operation to persuit
the moon-bounce signals each band. Specially on 5760,
a 1-meter dish was enough to receive 9N1EME's CW signals.

QSL cards to someone who had QSOwill be issued in a few
months, and SWLs, tool. Send us your detailed reports!

For more details, visit our site:

144 MHz: 154 QSOs, CW=11 SSB=1 JT65=142

JA=24 OH=3 F=8 PA=12 DL/DK=22 GM=2
G=2 I=6 VK=7 AS RUSSIA =11 W=13
EuRUSSIA=14 CT=1 EI=1 OE=1 OK=2
GW=1 SP=1 ON=2 EA=6 SV=3 SM=3
ES=1 ZL=1 OZ=1 S5=2 YO=1 HB9=1
YU=1 VE=1

432 MHz: 67 QSOs, CW=34 SSB=2 JT65=31

JA=16 VK=3 PA=2 OK=3 G=2 OH=4
S5=2 EuRUSSIA =5 DL/DK=8
SM=5 EA=3 HB9=2 F=3 ZL=1 OZ=1
W=2 SP=1 UT=1 FR5=1 ZS=1 KL=1

1296 MHz: 71 QSOs, CW=50 SSB=21

JA=14 VK=3 KL=1 ES=3 F=4 OZ=1 PA=2
SM=3 OK=3 HB9=2 ON=3 DL/DK=10 LA=3
LX=1 UR=1 W=11 VE=1 I=3 G=2

5760 MHz: 31 QSOs, CW =23 SSB=6 SSB/CW X-MODE=2

JA=9 W=4 EuRUSSIA=2 VK=1 ES=1 VE=1 HB9=1
F=2 I=1 LX=1 OE=2 DL/DK=3 OK=2 GM=1

ALL TOTAL 323 EME-QSOs including dupes

8N1EME/Project BIG-DISH 2007

Posted by big-dish on 2007/3/29 10:40:59 (2637 reads)

UPDATE Mon, 26 Mar 2007

Posted by big-dish on 2007/3/23 19:29:43 (2862 reads)

8N1EME 5760 MHz operation is using the usual EME circular polarization;
LHCP for RX, and RHCP for TX.

QRG 5760.100 MHz
CW SSB, and FM possible (experiment only)
500 watts output at wave-guide feed point

Posted by big-dish on 2007/3/22 11:51:24 (2714 reads)

On March 24, Sat.,

JH1KRC will try to have an echo test at about
0830-0900 UTC on 5760.100 MHz with 8N1EME, and then
0900-0939 UTC on 5760.150 MHz with F2TU.

Then Mike will go back to 8N1EME site for the regular operation
on 5760.100 MHz.

8N1EME likes to have contact with small antenna stations,
such as 1-meter dish with 10 watts, CW QSO could be possible.

This is the last chance for non-EME stations to have contacts
with this super station. Please spread the info.

Project BIG-DISH will finish all the operation at 0510 UTC, March
25. See below.

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