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8N1EME finished operation

To all:

8N1EME finished all of the operation March 31 2007.

This is the tentative data but 323 EME QSOs were recorded
and approximately 10,000 non-EME QSOs were made during
the activities from February to March.

Many amateurs were involved in this operation to persuit
the moon-bounce signals each band. Specially on 5760,
a 1-meter dish was enough to receive 9N1EME's CW signals.

QSL cards to someone who had QSOwill be issued in a few
months, and SWLs, tool. Send us your detailed reports!

For more details, visit our site:

144 MHz: 154 QSOs, CW=11 SSB=1 JT65=142

JA=24 OH=3 F=8 PA=12 DL/DK=22 GM=2
G=2 I=6 VK=7 AS RUSSIA =11 W=13
EuRUSSIA=14 CT=1 EI=1 OE=1 OK=2
GW=1 SP=1 ON=2 EA=6 SV=3 SM=3
ES=1 ZL=1 OZ=1 S5=2 YO=1 HB9=1
YU=1 VE=1

432 MHz: 67 QSOs, CW=34 SSB=2 JT65=31

JA=16 VK=3 PA=2 OK=3 G=2 OH=4
S5=2 EuRUSSIA =5 DL/DK=8
SM=5 EA=3 HB9=2 F=3 ZL=1 OZ=1
W=2 SP=1 UT=1 FR5=1 ZS=1 KL=1

1296 MHz: 71 QSOs, CW=50 SSB=21

JA=14 VK=3 KL=1 ES=3 F=4 OZ=1 PA=2
SM=3 OK=3 HB9=2 ON=3 DL/DK=10 LA=3
LX=1 UR=1 W=11 VE=1 I=3 G=2

5760 MHz: 31 QSOs, CW =23 SSB=6 SSB/CW X-MODE=2

JA=9 W=4 EuRUSSIA=2 VK=1 ES=1 VE=1 HB9=1
F=2 I=1 LX=1 OE=2 DL/DK=3 OK=2 GM=1

ALL TOTAL 323 EME-QSOs including dupes

8N1EME/Project BIG-DISH 2007

Thanks to Rasto, OM6AA

Dear Rasto, OM6AA:

I would like to report you with great pleasure that the performance of IBA-4 EME antenna was surperb.

As we expected with the simulation, the SWR and beam pattern on each band are satisfactory.

The idea to use loop feed for low bands using the subreflector as a ground plane seems to be the best and ideal, and contributed a lot for multi-band operation of this big dish.
Marionette sytem also contributed for the best performance to maintain the best position of the feed and the impedance matching during the experiment.

Small dish feed to illuminate the subreflector worked satisfactory. I wonder if someone can expect the better performance with some other methods.

We worked about 300 QSOs in total on 144, 432, and 1296 MHz, including some small stations. Detailed QSO data will follow soon.

Unfortunately the restriction on the dish operation maintained by the KDDI staffs limited the data collecting, even though the degree of their dedication to the project is uncountable.
We measured the Sun noise, twice on each band, once by tracking the Moon, and another by watching the Moon with fixed antenna position, on 144, 432, and 1296 MHz.
The data will be reported later.

We are very pleased to see the cover page of the recent DUBUS magazine, 1/2007.
Most of the cover boys are involved in the BIG-DISH operation.
They dedicate a lot for the activities of the BIG-DISH project.
It is our pleasure also to find in the same issue, your theoretical article on septum feeds.

We performed slide lectures and open-house experiment on March 03, with some 100 attendants. Several school boys and a girl came to the IBA-4 EME class on 1296 MHZ, to listen to the echoes of the anouncement of their names by USA EMEers.

In spite it was after mid-night, Al K2UYH, Wayne K9SLQ and J. K5JL came in the EME class. Their efforts contributed a lot to our educational activities of the project.

An eleven-year boy with the first class amateur license (!) joined us to contact with K5JL on 1296 SSB. Perhapse this is the world record of the EME operation by the youngest amateur.

By now all of the antenna feeds are removed for the next experiment on 5760 MHz on March 24. Already we heard our own echo on this band, not strong but very clear. I think we need more receiver gain, or adjust the antenna position more
exactly. This could be the most difficult work in the operation.

We would kindly offer you the most heartful thanks to you and your engineering staffs of Czech Technical University.
The round septum feed of 1296 MHz, made by OM1ATT, showed the best performance for our BIG-DISH system.

Our activities are reported on occasion at:

Pelase listen to the booming echoes with 32-m cassegrain at KDDI Ibaraki Sattelite Communication Center, closing their operation by the end of March 2007.


Mike Watanabe, JH1KRC
8N1EME/Project BIG-DISH 2007

EME school on 1296 MHz

March 03, from our moon-rise here about 0800Z.

Many (about 100) people come and see what happens at
our shack 8N1EME that afternoon.
After the slides shows by JH2COZ and JH1KRC finish, I like to
try to have a school children EME class on 1296 MHz.

I need the counterpart for it. I will send childrens' names,
so please reply for it off the moon.

I know that it is over midnight in the North America.
But if you can spare time for JA boys/girls in the EME class, it
would be really a pleasure. Please kindly consider it.

You are the most welcome guest.

New info

Real time logger

Project BIG-DISH 2007
Hi all:

A Japanese big dish station 8N1EME has began operation
from 23 Feb.
We will have students guests on March 3 (Sat) from 08Z, for
NA windows. I would like to ask US guys, specially 1296 MHz
moon bouncers.

Please listen and say hello to boys/girsl.

Project BIG-DISH 2007
Hi all;

This afternoon here 8N1EME big dish moonbounce
license was fully issued by authority for 144,
432, and 1296 MHz 500 watts output.

At 0538Z 8N1EME made the first EME QSO with
JA6AHB on 432 MHz CW with the RST 559/579.

144 MHz was followed but no echo was heard because
of Faradey rotation. We expect the condx improves,
as well as the occasional LNA relay trouble.

1296 MHz transmission was monitered by JA6AHB with
589 report. No echo was heard because HPA/LNA
cabinnet was not installed at the planned pedestal
step because of the bad WX. HPA has 300 watts output
in the shack beneath the antenna pedestal. If it is
installed up ca. 25 meters, transmission signal would
be improved some 8-9 dB.

So we will operate only 432.030 MHz no split this
afternoon. If requested, we can operate SSB too.

Today's team members:
Mike JH1KRC, Shu 7M2PDT, Koh JJ1NNJ, Kony JM1GSH,
Tada JA1BGU, Sho JH7SIA, and Yuki JH1NBN

Fri, 23 Feb 2007
Project BIG-DISH 2007
Hi all.

The Project BIG-DISH, a Japanese EME group, signing 8N1EME, already began the test transmission for RFI investigation and
for the echo tests, Feb. 22.

In the morning, we had to adjust the feed position of the 144/432
loop feeds by pulling the strings. The marionette style feed
support seems to be really effective for this temporary test site.
The feed impedance was obtained appoximately 50 ohms
( between 45 to 60 ohms) on each band.

On 432 MHz, the receiver sensitvity was low at the beginnig.
LNA oscillation at 400 MHz was detected with a spectrum analyzer.
By putting a series variable resister in the LNA power line, the LAN was stabilized. The gain and NF might change a bit, but
better than oscillation.

After 0815 UT on Feb. 22, 8N1EME transmitted CW on 432.030
MHz, 500 watts at TX, got the EME echo with 579 level, and had
no TVI at neighbour house located about 100 meters from the antenna.
Then SSB test followed to get a very roud and clear echo.

Then we moved the frequency to 144. 084 MHz. Soon after we
got very good CW echo on the band also. JH0MHE heard this signal and reports the signal was slightly stronger than HB9Q.
SSB echo was also very clear on this band.

1296 MHz antenna feed is stably installed in position. It looks
Unfortunately we had a problem in the 500W HPA, and had to
wait for the repair. The HPA is now in the shack (under the
antenna pedestal) and originally is planned to install in the higher
posision at the elevation axis level, approx. 25 meters from the
Here in Ibaraki the weather is rainy now. It is strictly restricted
to go up onto the antenna dish/pedestal by the KDDI's rules,
specially in the bad weather (rainy/windy) and after the sun set.
So we had to wait for the wether condition improves also.

The government telecom officials will come and see the station
this afternoon around 05-06 UT Feb. 23 (today!).

We will make an announcemet from time to time.
Thank you.

Mike Watanabe, JH1KRC
Project BIG-DISH 2007
Hi all;

8N1EME began test transmission on 18 Feb., first 144 and 432 MHz, 500 watts output each.

1296 HPA installation to the dish pedestal is delayed, but the antenna feed was already put on to the main reflector. SWR analysis showed very good on each band.

Antenna is still fixed upward, so no moon echo was detected.KDDI technicians request us to reduce (or totally erase) the harmonics; for example, 9th harmonics from Henry 2006A (3CX800A7) which falls into the C-band, 3888 MHz (wow!).

Their C-band receiver with the same antenna in the same shack, detected this harmonics, naturally.

1296 may be a problem; only the 3rd harmonics comes into the C-band. We install a quater-wl BPF with variable link-coupling (resembles that of N6CA) with -44 dB at 2nd harmonics, and -34 dB at 3rd. But still they might detect our harmonics with certain high level.

The harmonics supression of less than - 60 dBc suppression seems to be tolally insufficientl!

Is there anyone who tried notch or filter with some 90 dB or more
suppression for 500 watts?

We will have the station investigation by the telecom officials on 23 Feb.
afternoon, and if passed, we can contact you off the moon, from (perhaps) 07 or 08Z to the moon-set of 25 Feb.

For the up-dated details, see our web.

Progress in the IBA-4 modification for the Project BIG-DISH

Mike Watanabe, JH1KRC
Feb. 13, 2007

Yesterday we tested a small dish feed and two-band loop feeds for the IBA-4 big antennna modifications. See the phots in the photo pages. I already named this modification as the Project Big-and-Smass-Dish a la carte. I wonder if you would understand what I like to say.

The SWR of the 2.4-m small dish with a round septum feed, was very good, ca. 1 to 1.1 or less at 1296 MHz. We all wondered if the SWR meter was not correctly working, but it was OK.

This feed was designed and built up by Czech group, mainly OM6AA Rasto and OM2ATT Milan. As Rasto said, this small dish should have a front gain of 28.5 dBi on 1296 MHz, which is well-enough to illuminate the subreflector of the IBA-4 cassegrain dish, in order to achieve 48.5dBi gain in total on 1296 MHz.

The loop feeds for 144 and 432 MHz bands were calculated and simulated into details by Rasto's working group also.

Even though it needed a lot of time for me to build it up in a good shape, and did not use any metal materials other than the loops themselves, the coax cables and the connectors, it still needs some modification in the constructions for the mechanical reason.

Yesterday we comfirmed the loop feeds also work fine, in front of a steel door of the IBA-4 antenna pedestal where there is the radio shack. It was an easy simulation and an experiment before installation.

For this experiment, we estimated a little wider distances to be made, from the designed distance between the feeds and the vertex of the IBA-4 subreflector.

The result was fine; it measured 50 ohms impedances with some propper distances which we almost expected from the Rasto's design for the IBA-4 modifications.
They wait for the moment of installation on to the BIG-DISH soon.

Because of some mechanical reasons and of possible multiband activities on the same days during the possible operating periods,
we did not take the marionette yagi feed, even though it sounds interesting. You would have put a yagi beam at a certain distance between the subreflector vertex and the prime feed horn of the IBA-4 cassegrain, possibly using ropes. It sounds like a marionette theater show....

We are going to hook up a 144-432 two-band loop feed (vertical pol), and a 2.4m dish feed with septum for 1296 (circular pol.)
next weekend, Feb. 17 or 18. Hope that the weather would be fine and not windy...
We will put up these feeds onto the IBA-4 dish with a 50-m class heavy crane!!

Project BIG-DISH 2007
A Special EME Operation from QM 06, Japan

JH1KRC, Mike Watanabe

KDDI, one of the Japanese telecommunication services companies, has assigned to make experimental cooperation with the Project BIG-DISH, composed of some forty Japanese moon bouncers, and JARL.

We will use the antenna IBA-4, which is the 4th antenna of Ibaraki Satellite Communications Center, KDDI Corporation, for the experimental moon bounce operation on 144, 432, 1296 and possibly 5760 MHz bands. IBA-4 is a 32-metre Cassegrain dish made by Mitshubishi Electric Corporation in 1980's, and is located in the grid QM06.

The IBA-4 is fully rotable and the elevation is possible up to 90 degrees for automatic moon tracking. The largest
problem we have is that we cannot remove the subreflector, 2.9-m in diameter, about 9 metres in front of the main reflector.
Therefore we have to use this subreflector in some way for the EME operation.

Our EME operation licens is still waiting for the four bands, 144, 432, 1296, and 5760 MHz. The 5760 MHz high power moon bounce transmission is still in discussion in the ministry. Other bands are sure to be licensed for the operation with 500 watts output. We will use callsign 8N1EME. The intensive operating modes are CW, SSB, and JT65 specially on 144 and possiby on 432 also. Fundamentally, we think that random QSOs are most important, although, some scheduled QSOs may be considered for any special reason. Antennas in use will be vertilac pol. on 144 and 432 MHz, the usual EME circular pol. on 1296, and 5760 MHz.

The operation is planned during late February and early March at least, in 2007.

Further details will be announced from time to time in our web site. Be prepared, and don't miss this historic moon bounce operation from the special place!!
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